Pokemon Go!: MewtwoV & MelmetalV V Battle Deck Bundle
1 bundle pack of 2 V Battle Decks.
Each bundle pack contains:
2 ready-to-play 60 card decks,
6 Trainer Cards,
5 Foil Trainer Cards,
2 booster packs,
6 Reference Cards,
1 metallic coin,
rulebook, strategy insert, playmat, stickers and counters.
Gear up for battle like never before as Pokemon GO meets the Pokemon Trading Card Game!
Get ready for a major Pokemon battle featuring Mewtwo V and Melmetal V!
A ready-to-play double deck bundle - with extra Trainer cards!
This set includes a deck for you and one for a friend. You can choose either Mewtwo V or Melmetal V to lead your team in a heads-up battle against another Trainer.
Then, switch up the decks and see what things look like from the other side - can you win with both powerful Pokemon V?
Mewtwo V leads an elusive team of Psychic types, and Melmetal V brings the crushing power of Metal types.
Master all the tricks of these two V Battle Decks!
Unleash mental might or metal mayhem with a deck led by Mewtwo V or Melmetal V!
The Build and Battle Stadium box is designed for a two-player gameplay experience. Each box includes two Build and Battle Boxes -- one for you and one for a friend. Open the Build & Battle Boxes to start building!
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